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"Sometimes democracy must be bathed in blood."

--Augusto Pinochet

Aug. 23, 1970 - Salvador Allende becomes world's first democratically elected Marxist president. General Augusto Pinochet is named commander of the Chilean army by Marxist President Salvador Allende.


Sept. 11, 1973 - General Augusto Pinochet ousts Allende in CIA-sponsored coup and proceeds to establish a brutal dictatorship. Allende, committed suicide in his presidential palace under air and ground attack.


Dec. 11, 1974 - The current head of a four-man military junta, General Pinochet takes the title of president in the republic military. The junta appoints Pinochet as president by a joint decree. From the beginning, the government implemented harsh measures against its political opponents. According to various reports and investigations 1,200–3,200 people were killed, up to 80,000 were interned, and up to 30,000 were tortured by his regime including women and children.


March 11, 1981- Pinochet is sworn in as president according to newly written constitution.

May 1983- Pinochet regime faces first widespread protests, reacts with strong repression.


Sept. 7, 1986- Survives assassination attempt by pro-Communist guerrillas.


March 11, 1988- Signs law restoring legal political parties, except Marxists.


Oct. 5, 1988- Loses referendum that would have extended his rule eight more years; leading to democratic elections.


Dec. 16, 1989 - Loses presidential election to Patricio Aylwin, a Christian Democrat.


March 11, 1990- Pinochet hands over presidency, but remains army commander.



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